Magaly Charbonneau
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Magaly Charbonneau

Magaly has over 25 years of experience as an accomplished entrepreneur, operator and investor. Before joining Inovia Capital, she was Chief Operating Officer and investor at PasswordBox (acquired by Intel Corporation, NASDAQ:INTC) and VP WW Sales and investor at (acquired by Deluxe Corporation, NYSE:DLX), investor and board member at Anomalous Networks Inc. (acquired by TANGO, NASDAQ:TNGO).

Magaly’s advice is regularly sought-after by local entrepreneurs, and she currently serves as a director on the boards of gaiia, Medeloop, Novisto and Rewind, and board observer of Botpress, and AlayaCare. Her strong personal brand, operational background and strong leadership have enabled her to play a central role in the firm’s Quebec strategy. Magaly is also a Board Member of the CVCA & Government Relations committee (Canadian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association).

Magaly Charbonneau